Home Parties

Home Show (party) Training

Dig into some sample home party videos and training audios and get ready to have some fun!

Take in the info provided, ask questions and find the format that feels great for YOU!

What Now?? ~ Tips and Tools

home party checklist image

Step 1: Print this checklist for every home party. Follow the timeline to check off things to complete in your “hostess coaching”. For your launch party, you are acting as the hostess, so some of the checklist won’t apply, but the form will help you keep track of the order totals and contact with guests.

Step 2: One of coach your hostessthe biggest keys for success at a party is not your “presentation” – but the HOSTESS COACHING. Be sure to invest into your hostess & check out this Hostess Coaching page for lots of helpful info!


Wish List: Print and give this to each guest with a mini clipboard to encourage them to dream big (and possibly host their own show!). Then final decisions can be transferred to an Order Form.

How? ~ Tutorial Videos

Here are the GOODS! Watch these videos to get some great ideas – or come up with your own party format!

Tutorial #1: Laid Back and Simple is the name of the game!

Tutorial #1 Home Party Script: If you’d rather go through this Home Show tutorial in text form, check out this document that walks through everything in the following video.

Tutorial #2 : Pretend Hostess (from the Home Party Example video) – 3 minute awesomeness!

Tutorial #3: Watch a “real-life” example of a home show with tips!

Other examples of Home Show Styles:

The “Learning Styles” feature in this one is awesome!:

This isn’t a complete example, but I love the layout and reading statistics:

Another party format is “5 Ways to Save”


Click the image to download a PDF that explains how to work your way through the 5 points on this image!

Closing your party

Here is a GREAT visual for closing out your parties:

Other Tips and FAQ

  • Remember, no matter which “style” you prefer: People are watching you to see how hard you’re working, how much stuff you have to haul (limit it to one or two boxes!) if you have to be an expert before you can do this or not, to see if you hang out at the hostess’ house for a long time after the show or if you complete your business and head home, etc…They’re watching to see if they might ever want to do what you’re doing.
  • Notes are fine!
    • Notes can help you relax
    • Notes can keep you on track
    • Notes include booking and recruiting specials – important to mention at your shows
    • Using notes helps you seem easy to duplicate – others will want to do what you’re doing.
  • You may choose to do this:

“Orders that are over $75 are direct shipped to you, orders less will come to Sally-hostess and she will get them to you.” I choose that $75 amount because you can place the order on the back end with the shipping option of Direct Ship Guest and it is direct shipped straight to the customer for the same shipping cost. Shipping is just 8%, direct Ship orders are 8% with a minimum of $6, so when it hits $75 it’s the same. It motivates them to spend at least $75 each so the order can come straight to them. I like to enter those direct ship orders that night and get them shipped right away –People love that and will often boost their orders over the $75 number to get the direct shipping.

Follow-Up ~ Recipe for Success

What do you do when the party is over?? Here is a super helpful document that goes through the 2-2-2 Recipe for following up with your party guests!

222 follow up image

Ensure a full calendar, have customers book parties and give excellent Customer Service –>

Click the image to learn about the 2-2-2 strategy!

What could you email right after a home show to guests who didn’t come to the show?

Hi Suzy!  So sorry you weren’t able to make it to Jane’s Usborne Books & More show tonight.  We had a blast!  Everyone was so excited about the books and enjoyed picking out books that their kids will love!  Top picks were _______ and  ______ everyone loved idea of using _________ in the car to keep kids busy during summer travel.

It’s not too late to be part of the party.  You can shop online at ________ (eshow link) until _______ and your sale will still be credited to Jane’s show!  Make sure you check out our Collections…great groupings and a nice savings!!!”